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Read to Lead

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” ― Stephen King​


We beleive that Leaders first read books before they read minds.


According to The New York Times, Steve Jobs had an “inexhaustible interest” in William Blake; Nike founder Phil Knight so reveres his library that in it you have to take off your shoes and bow; and Harman Industries founder Sidney Harman called poets “the original systems thinkers,” quoting freely from Shakespeare and Tennyson. Mahatma Gandhi changed his way of life after reading 'Unto This Last' by John Ruskin. Gandhi's life was profoundly influenced by this book, which he read on a train ride from Johannesburg to Durban in South Africa. 


History is littered not only with great leaders who were avid readers and writers (remember, Winston Churchill won his Nobel prize in Literature, not Peace), but with business leaders who believed that deep, broad reading cultivated in them the knowledge, habits, and talents to improve their organizations. The leadership benefits of reading are wide-ranging. Evidence suggests reading can improve intelligence and lead to innovation and insight. 

“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.” ― William Styron 


“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them.” ― Joseph Brodsky


"Think before you speak. Read before you think.” ― Fran Lebowitz


At Leaders Of Tomorrow, we are building Libraries that would make today's youth better leaders of tomorrow. Help us build the Library one book at a time! 

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